Sunday, December 9, 2012

3 Month Baby Update

How old: Three months!

Babies’ weights: Eitan, 11lb 6oz. Noa, 10lb 5oz. Eitan has now overtaken Noa by quite a bit! What a little chunker! Both babies are making their way closer to the middle of the growth charts for weight. They are both still closer to the bottom for height. They have no chance of being tall people, anyway, considering I am 5'2" and Ilan is 5'7".

Adventures this month: THANKSGIVING! We met all the cousins and aunts and uncles on my side, and even met some other babies. It was so exhausting that it took us a week to recover our schedules, but thankfully they did not come out of that weekend with their first colds (what I was afraid of).  We have also gone out almost every single day this month! The babies are doing well with being in the car seats, though Noa still doesn't like the carrier (or at least when I'm carrying her - she does like being carried by her Abba :) ). We went on a few very long walks in the park and hung out with other babies... We even tried Baby & Me Yoga, though that turned out to be me nursing the babies in a yoga studio, as I didn't even get to do one pose. We took their passport photos but haven't had a chance to send in the forms yet

What’s up with my body: My diastasis has gone down from 2-3 fingers' width separation to 1-2 fingers' width, and I have stopped physical therapy but keep doing the exercises when I'm not exhausted. I am still up 23lb from pre-pregnancy weight, but then again my pre-pregnancy weight was the lowest I've weighed since I was 15. I am only 10lb above what I weighed two years ago, so I guess that's all right.  I am starting to get really strong, though, picking up these 10+lb babies all the time! Also, I have some lasting things still from pregnancy, like feeling hot all the time and terrible acne. Bleh.

What’s up with the Babies: Smiling like crazy, and their little personalities are starting to come out. They are juuuuust starting to sleep more at night, which is amazing. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, however far away it may be...

Eitan is still a very predictable baby. Even though he eats at differing frequencies, once I see the pattern he generally sticks to it. Cluster feeding in the morning, long nap, lunch feeding, long nap, cluster feeding in the evening, long sleep, mid night feed, medium sleep. Also, he is starting to smile a lot more. He gives really amazing hugs - he loves being on his belly and will fall asleep during tummy time a lot. And definitely if he is on his belly on someone. He is just a little snuggle bug. But he is also mister fussy pants who cries in other people's arms and whines while he smiles.

Noa has "woken up" this month in a way... she is becoming a lot more aware of her surroundings, as well as her own wants. She wants to DANCE! All the time! As soon as her neck is strong enough we will put her in the jolly jumper so she can bounce and bounce and bounce for as long as she wants without exhausting my arms. She is a very opinionated and stubborn young lady and we are working with her to get her to nurse even when it's not so easy and she is angry. But she is also extremely social and alert, wanting to be where the action is, and loves being passed around to other people.

Milestones this month: Smiles :D They both track things with their eyes and have started a little bit to reach for things (though their fists are still closed tight). And, of course, sleeping longer!!!

What I miss: The thing I miss from the before-time right now is taking naps when I'm tired. If I am tired and want a nap but the babies are up, then I am up too. I tried napping while they were awake (giving them something to look at) and they just fussed, wanting attention. Super cute, but I am also super tired. I hope that as they start to sleep longer consistently I will feel less exhausted so I can feel more energetic with interacting with them during the day. (I also just started to develop a cold so that isn't helping)


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