Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sick Day

Today the babies are sick so we are staying in.  Last night was just rotten, we thought we were regressing in our hard-earned newly acquired 6 hours of sleep and both Ilan and I were pretty tired/frustrated (frustired? tirestrated?).  But then we noticed they were both stuffed up, and stuffed up again after being de-snotted, and so there you have it.

I had a cold starting from last Thursday and I thought the babies would be safe because they would get my antibodies from nursing, but apparently that is limited.  So far, for me, this cold hasn't been so bad... it was one of those things where it revs up like it's going to be awful and then kind of putters off.  Sore throat for 2 days, and you're like, omg, this is going to be a BEAST.  And then it actually just is bad for a couple of days and then it's ending, like right now.  I didn't even need cold medicine, just neti pot.  (pt pt pt, don't want to make it worse)

So maybe the babies are in the bad part of the cold, where I was on Sunday.  Hopefully they will be done with this in the next couple of days.  For now, lots of sleep, lots of snuggles, lots of saline nose spray.


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