Saturday, January 12, 2013

Girls Day Out

It was really only a few hours, but I went out with Noa on Friday.    The boys were planning on going to go on a walk and get coffee, but Eitan spit up all over Ilan and then refused to go in the carrier and then screamed and was generally not doing well so they didn’t go anywhere.

Anyway, it was just us girls!

I have to say, going out with just one baby felt extremely liberating.  I basically felt like I was going out by myself.  No stroller, no crazy heavy bags, no juggling babies.  Just one baby!  Imagine that!

We went on the subway, and at first Noa was like WTF

Mostly because of the noise while we were on the platform.

I tried to get a picture of us both on the subway but it is hard to do that without making other people think you are taking pictures of them, which is awkward.

This was Noa’s first trip into the city since she was born, and her first time ever on the subway.  She was pretty cool about it.  Once we got into the city, with the loud noises and people everywhere, she was all right but maybe a little overstimulated.  We walked the two blocks to the doctor’s office, where she definitely felt more comfortable.  She was smiling at the receptionist and at the doctor.

The biggest problem came when I had to have my blood drawn, she started getting really upset for some reason (maybe she was empathizing because she just had her 4 month shots on Monday).

I ended up having to have an ultrasound of my thyroid so I had to take her out of the carrier and lie her on my belly while I was lying back on the table for my doctor to do the ultrasound on my neck.  Exciting times.  Noa was really good about it.

On the way back we decided to check out a nearby farmer’s market, but it started to rain so we quickly got back on the train.  On the way back home we stopped off at a few stores to pick up some organizing bins so I could reorganize the baby room.

By the time we got home, Noa had fallen asleep in the carrier.

If you knew Noa in real life, you would understand why I had to try to get a picture of this…  She doesn’t much like being in the carrier to begin with, and she definitely doesn’t want to fall asleep when there is so much to see.  But she was so tired; it was a loooong afternoon.

Then when we got home, I guess she decided she was a big girl now and should hold her own bottle!

She’s been trying to do this for a while now and she has been more and more successful.  She wasn’t quite holding it in her mouth in this shot, but she had been holding it in the right place and feeding herself for a few seconds right before I grabbed the phone to take a picture.

Meanwhile, Eitan, who hadn’t slept the whole time I was gone because he only wants to sleep ON MY BODY, finally slept.

(Here I am, with Eitan sleeping on me I had to feed Noa in her chair at the same time so I had to sit on the floor.)

A good afternoon. :)

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