Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Good Day

Today was a good day but wow it was exhausting.


Hear Eitan make a crazy noise, like totally scared and upset.  Ilan went in and his eyes were closed, we think he had a nightmare


Wake up!  Everyone’s eyes are open, Noa is fussing, Eitan is cooing at his mobile.  I began diapering and waking up babies while Ilan prepared the formula for the day and then went to go shower.


Begin feeding.  Started with nursing for 5 minutes, then bottles.


Feeding finished.  I put the babies in the activity gym on the floor so I could clean up from the feeding and fold / put away the clean baby clothes while I have access to their room.  Ilan got dressed and then took over so I could shower.


Came out to see this…

It’s kind of a surreal image.


Ilan left for work, I put the babies down for their first “nap.”  Then I had breakfast, did some tidying up, and began prepping the bottles for the first morning feeding.  I knew they would wake up by 8 so I even started warming them.


Awake!  Ready for breakfast!  Good morning!!!!  Eitan can be found cooing at the mobile again.  I picked out their clothes for the day.  Because Noa wasn’t fussing, I chose Eitan for dressing and diaper change first – Noa HATES it if you take her out of the crib and then PUT HER BACK IN IT.  If she isn’t fussing, she seems to prefer to be left there longer than to be taken out and put back in.  So, okay.  Diaper changes and outfits all around.


Babies are locked and loaded in their chairs and I began the first double bottle feeding of the day.  Eitan sucked down his 5oz no problem but Noa rolled the bottle around her mouth and only ate 3oz.  This has been happening lately, and then she has been wanting another ounce or two later.  I just can’t have these partial feedings.  The formula goes bad after an hour, and I don’t want to heat up another bottle, while also managing a second baby.  So… Noa… sorry, but you have to eat at the feeding!  We can’t have this snacking business!


I decided the feeding was over after waiting on Noa for a while.  Playtime began!  We did all sorts of things.
Hanging out on the boppies:

(There was screaming, not pictured)
Then spent some time working on projects in the bumbos

Eitan is starting to really be able to hold up his head, which is great.  Noa has discovered how much fun it is to push things off of the play tray.  Yay.


Getting grouchy, time to go out for a walk and make them nap.  I took the snap-n-go instead of the real stroller because generally it has been fine to just go to a coffee shop and hang out for a while to get them to nap.  Lots of screaming as we load up and go, but then the babies quickly fall asleep.

At the coffee shop, conversations about twins, blah blah.  Sit there with my iced tea and begin reading blogs, as per my new routine.  I planned on being there until 11:30.  Except…


Noa’s eyes pop open.  Wide.  CRAP.  The only way to get her to go back to sleep would be to go for a walk, but the snap-n-go has terrible suspension and the sidewalks are just awful, so the jostling of the car seat just negates any benefit of walking for her nap.  I decided to go home and have an early feeding instead.


Arrived at home, Noa’s eyes still open, now I end up waking up Eitan.


I go and make my quick lunch (leftover chili in a wrap with melted cheese – aka Chili Cheese Wrap) and eat it while staring at crying babies.  Their bottles were warming while I ate, so as soon as I was done I put the bottles in their mouths and they quieted down.


Loaded grouchy babies into the stroller for our second walk, hoping this second walk will produce better nap results.  This time, instead of the snap-n-go, I put them in the stroller, which now has the regular seats in it instead of the car seats.  This meant I carried both babies down the stairs by myself with no car seats.  It’s actually easier to do than to carry the car seats, now that they hold up their own heads.  We walked for about an hour and a half, and even came across horses in the park!

The babies were asleep, though, so they couldn’t appreciate it.


Arrived back home, Eitan has woken up but Noa managed to stay asleep, even through me taking her out of the stroller and carrying her upstairs.  Some quality Eitan time.

He was then naked for 25 minutes (he loves being naked, so if he is fussy I will just take off his diaper for a little bit and he will cheer up!)


Woke up Noa for the next feeding, got the bottles ready.


Double bottle feeding, hooray!  This time Noa eats 5oz in ten minutes – it was so fast I didn’t even notice she had eaten so much without a burp.  Then she had a huuuuuuuge burp.  It was amazing.


More time in the activity gym while I cleaned up and ate a snack.


Dance party!!!!!!  Songs: Stayin’ Alive, Dancing Queen, You Should be Dancing (later this evening I made a better dance mix for our parties because these are the only three songs I had on my playlist for the almost-nightly dance parties and I would like some variety haha)


Dance party is over, and I notice some yawns, so I begin a nap routine.


Not napping.  I got a text from Ilan saying there was going to be an emergency meeting at work and he didn’t know when he would be home but he would leave as soon as he could.


Still not napping.  I begin planning out how to do bedtime by myself.


Both babies suddenly hysterically screaming.  At this point it’s getting too late for a nap.  I couldn’t figure out why they’re screaming.  I decided to try a bottle even though they had just eaten two hours ago.  They seemed hungry and I thought that if I forget that they ate 2 hours ago, I would not be second guessing giving them a bottle.  So I tried a little 2oz snack.  DEVOURED.  And fell asleep in their chairs.


I started prepping the bath stuff while Eitan started waking up and fussing a little.  I also pre-filled the bottles and put the bottle-warmer mugs in the microwave so when it was time for their last meal I could just warm them up and go.  I also gave myself a pre-reward of a big hunk of chocolate, knowing that it was about to get rough.


I started bathing Eitan, then Noa woke up and got hysterical at being left alone.  However, I couldn’t abandon Eitan in the tub, so I just had to let her be angry for a few minutes until he was out and dry (but naked! you know, so he would be happy).


Knocked on our neighbors’ doors for help with the babies since they were now both screaming.  Nobody was home because most people are not home from work at 5:30pm.  It just feels late for me because I had by that time been up and on the go for 12 hours straight.  I could hear the babies screaming in the hallway.  Awesome.


With a combination of Eitan in the rocking chair on vibrate while holding a toy and facing me in the bathroom and Noa in the bath, both babies were now temporarily happy.  Both of them love the bath, so it turned out to be okay.


Bath time over, I now had to get the bottles ready for their final meal.  They were SCREAMING.  OH MAH GAH WE DIDN’T JUST HAVE A SNACK 45 MINUTES AGO, AND DIDN’T JUST EAT 3 HOURS AGO. YOU NEVER FEED US. WE ARE DYING.  I was singing at the top of my lungs “A Whole New World” from Aladdin and “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid while bouncing both babies on my knees to keep them calm while the bottles warmed.  It was ridiculous.  I kind of hope the neighbors heard, but I’m sure they still weren’t home.


Silence, because the bottles were plugging up the scream holes mouths.


Babies were starting to fall asleep.  Ilan walked in the door.  Noa now wanted to stare at Ilan.  I hand her to him to finish the feeding because we all know how much she loves him.  Then I picked up Eitan for the rest of his feeding and some pre-bed snuggles.


Noa has fallen asleep.  Ilan swaddled her and put her in the rocking chair for the bedtime routine.  I handed Eitan to him for some snuggles and a swaddling.  He was then placed in the rocking chair for the bedtime routine.


Bedtime routine.


Babies in bed, Ilan began heating dinner.


Dinner & TV.


I shared with him some videos from the day, like Eitan giggling and talking while being naked.


I began futsing on the computer, reading blogs, facebook, writing this post, etc.

10:45pm (now)

I hope to be in bed soon.

The end.

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